


Blog: Type M for Murder, posting every other Wednesday. Come visit!

EventsInterviews | Podcast Interviews

2024 Events

Friday, August 16, 2024
Takeover of Cozy Mystery Party Facebook Page
4-6pm PT/7-9pm ET

March 10, 2024, 1pm
Mystery Ink Event with Jennifer J. Chow
Talk & Signing at Fernhill Clubhouse
5472 Diamond
Huntington Beach, CA
(remember the time change!)

April 20-21, 2024
Los Angeles Times Festival of Books
Main campus of the University of Southern California
Signing at the Sisters in Crime Los Angeles Booth, 12 noon – 2 pm, Saturday, April 20.

April 26-28, 2024
Malice Domestic
Bethesda North Marriott Hotel
Bethesda, Maryland

Panel: “Love and Murder: “Rom-Cozies” Friday, April 26 from 2:00-2:50pm with Barbara Barrett (M), Sally Handley, Jackie Layton and Misty Simon.

2023 Events

December 3,4, 2023
12 Days of Cozies Event
Blog Post up on December 3 (“Researching Cozies”)
December 4: X/Twitter
author chat with Jackie Layton, Lori Robbins and me (5pm-6pm Pacific)

October 13, 2023
Dru’s Book Musings
A Day in the Life of Martin Green

October 9-October 18, 2023
Brush Up On Murder blog tour
Interviews, Reviews, Spotlights and Giveaway


David Alan Binder, 2017
20 Quick Questions, 2017
Cozy Up With Kathy, 2015
Back Porchervations, 2014
Shelley’s Book Case, 2014

Podcast and Facebook Live Interviews

My Favorite Detective Stories, John Hoda, 2022 NEW
Cozy Ink Podcast with Leah Baily, 2021 NEW
Cozy Corner with Alexia Gordon, 2020
Destination Mystery, 2018
Joys of Binge Reading, 2017
A Cozy Experience Facebook Live Interview at Malice, 2018